Certain words or phrases can negatively impact a product listing if they appear in brand content. This may occur due to Amazon's category-specific requirements, regulatory issues, brand guidelines, or contractual reasons. AutoMato simplifies the process of creating a list of blocked words or phrases to prevent them from being used in product content. For instance, some brands selling melatonin products have discovered that including the word 'sleep' in their content can lead to their listing being deactivated on Amazon.
Accessing the Feature
1. Start by locating the main navigation bar on the left side of the screen
2. Click "Keyword Blocklist"
A default list of blocked keywords will be visible, and the list can be customized by either adding new words or phrases or removing existing ones by clicking the ‘X’ next to each word. Caution: Adding too many common words to the blocklist may prevent keywords from being selected and content from being generated.
Tip: Having trouble finding brand alias management? Use this link to navigate directly: https://app.automatoai.com/keyword-blocklist