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Product Content Final Edits

Product Content Final Edits

Product Content Final Edits

Now that your ASINs are loaded into AutoMato and your keywords are chosen, AutoMato will have created content based on your keyword strategy. It’s a good practice to take a look at your content and make any final edits if needed on your product content. To make edits to your content:

Step 1: Navigate to the "Products" Screen

Step 2: Click on a product’s ASIN number to enter into the “view product” screen

Step 3: Click on the “Edit” button

Step 4: Make any desired deletions or additions to the content and click “Save”

Step 5: Click on the newly visible “Show Edits” button

Using the “Show edits button” you can see any manual edits that have been made for any section of content.

Step 7: Hit the “Approve” Button (Optional)

Tip: The “Approve” button is optional, all tracking will still take place if the approval button is not pressed. Hitting the “Approve” button enables the API publishing feature and lets you document to yourself and to your team members that content is ready to be published on Amazon and also sets your user interface up in a way that monitors performance and emphasizes data that you need to keep an eye on.