Once an ASIN is activated on the AutoMato platform, product content can be viewed by clicking on the ASIN on the product list.
Step 1: Navigate to the 'Products' screen
Step 2: Click on product’s ASIN number to enter into the 'view product' screen
The 'View Product' screen shows many different pieces of information.
The 'Change Keywords' button allows adjustment of the keyword strategy (recommended).
View the Before and After 'Search Exposure' metrics to compare the original content with the updated version. The 'Search Exposure' metric represents the estimated monthly search volumes for each keyword that appears in a piece of content's title and bullet points, serving as a useful measure of overall SEO quality.
AutoMato also compares the product's 'Search Exposure' to that of competitors, highlighting the new product content's 'Search Exposure' against the average competitor for additional context.
View product’s original and newly generated content such as title, bullet points, description and backend search terms.
View all of the keywords that were placed into content (click each keyword to highlight the location of the keyword in content)
View Competitor List
Copy content sections - Use the 'Copy' buttons next to copy each content section to copy to clipboard. The content can then be pasted into Amazon Vendor or Seller Central listing with control-v (command-v on Mac) or by right clicking then clicking the 'Paste' button.